Re: Your father's truck
My grand pa owned a automotive shop in a very small town in NW Ohio when I was a little kid, I remember him working on the cars very well, I could clean the parts he took off the car and he acted like that was the best part ever. When I was a teen, I would call him and ask him questions about my car ( 68 Cutlass), he could diagnose I've the phone better than anyone I have ever saw! I sure loved that man, he is the reason I have these projects along with my dad, he can do anything. He has a parts business for 23-32. Chevrolet cars and trucks and he makes most if the parts himself. He is amassing also! I love you Dad!
Happy Father's Day to all of you fellows also, remember your the biggest male roll model to more kids that just yours!
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Last edited by Clyde65; 06-17-2013 at 09:19 AM.