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Old 06-16-2013, 09:23 PM   #20
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Re: new bagged 79 swb project

finally got some more time to work on my upper arms. made these 3/4 longer than stock since the truck had 1" of alignment shims on top of the spacers... wasnt much thread stickin out the lock nuts.

where the truck sat before was binding on the upper bj, so I came up with the mounting angle by just mocking everything up with my dropped arms, bag compressed all the way and went back just before the upper bj binds.

keep in mind i still have stock spindles on the truck, and I wanted to make sure it lays frame should i decide to go bigger rollers, drop spindles are all that will be needed to keep it laying frame.

pix... more later tonight if i get around to mocking everything up

all the fabbed up parts layed out..

setting up a quicky jig

the difference in bj angle compared to stock... they are also 3/4" longer

tacked together... ready to take out bushings and weld solid
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