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Old 06-17-2013, 06:14 AM   #33
a Good Man
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Re: Renovation project from Kuwait

Originally Posted by Remon. View Post
WOW! Great job. And all those NOS parts.. just amazing.

One question: Why no frame-off restoration? You're doing such a great job with all of those beautifull part. Why not take everything apart and make the truck totally like new?

You must have a good reason to do it like this, but I'm just curious..
Yes.I respect your opinion, but I love the car factory condition with the renewal of the affected parts only.While the job requires a lot of things (such as dropping off the engine), but there are basic things in the car do not like to change it at all >>

Inner and outer part in the car all the pieces original and new ..But like I said in the past do not like to change my basic things in the car such as the engine and timber >

Thank you
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