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Old 06-17-2013, 11:17 PM   #3
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Re: diagnosing this fuel/spark issue

That's exactly what I'm afraid of, adding another problem to the mix. I have never touched the idle speed and idle mixture control. The vacuum advance on my distributor is new, it came with the new distributor

Now I don't know much, but I thought that if the vacuum advance was acting up it would idle correctly, but run rougher or cut out as the rpm's increase?

I will start by trying to track down a vacuum leak, but my engine has almost NO vacuum lines. Theres no power steering, no power brakes, no ac. In fact I think the only vacuum line it has is to my distributor for the advance, and my oil pressure gauge.

If memory serves me correct, when I replaced my distributor last summer, to set my idle timing I set it without my vacuum advance connected, meaning the engine should idle without the advance, just cut out as the rpms increase, right?
1970 C20, SM465, Eaton Ho52, HD coils, NO PB/PS/AC, 250 I6, Wood bed. All original minus a tune up!

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