Re: diagnosing this fuel/spark issue
That's exactly what I'm afraid of, adding another problem to the mix. I have never touched the idle speed and idle mixture control. The vacuum advance on my distributor is new, it came with the new distributor
Now I don't know much, but I thought that if the vacuum advance was acting up it would idle correctly, but run rougher or cut out as the rpm's increase?
I will start by trying to track down a vacuum leak, but my engine has almost NO vacuum lines. Theres no power steering, no power brakes, no ac. In fact I think the only vacuum line it has is to my distributor for the advance, and my oil pressure gauge.
If memory serves me correct, when I replaced my distributor last summer, to set my idle timing I set it without my vacuum advance connected, meaning the engine should idle without the advance, just cut out as the rpms increase, right?