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Old 11-27-2003, 12:33 AM   #3
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Hey Jeff,

Thanks Bro. I actually did use your description. LOL I was going to ask if you would mind but it was so long back I couldn't remember who it was that had written it. I had my doors back then and was thinking of selling them. I saw your auction on sleazebay and when I saw how much you got for them I thought "Man he musta done something right there", so I copied the description in case I decided to sell my doors later on. I type like three words a minute so I need all the help I can get you know.

Thanks for the offer for the help with the shipping. I have never done it before and was kinda nervous. I am pretty good with woodworking so I know I can build a bulletproof crate. UPS weight limit is 150 though so I was wondering who you would recommend instead if I was to crate both doors together? I was also hoping to avoid a long haul to some shipping terminal. Thanks again Jeff. I figured someone would recognize that description.

Happy Turkey day!

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