Originally Posted by gdavis
I don't know if I would trust the shrink tubing. a grommit would do a lot better job. Don't you think. just asking. grommits can be found in any parts store.
Not necessarily. Most part store grommets are made of a very soft rubber compound. The typical size that fits the fuel line would have around .060" to .080" of wall thickness between the line and the hole it is passing thru. I used comparably sized rubber grommets for the stealth latches on my tailgate and they failed very quickly. The heat shrink tubing, on the other hand, is a very scuff/wear resistant material. Brian wisely used two layers where it might come in contact with the frame. As I recall, I think he also plans to use Adel clamps to minimize any vibrations which will mean less work for the shrink tubing. There are plastic grommets available that might afford more protection than the rubber type. However, the large oblong hole in the frame also presents a retention challenge. I think he'll be okay with his current setup. Of course, nothing precludes him from using both. Sort of like using a condom after a vasectomy.