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Old 06-21-2013, 01:05 AM   #8
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Re: C30 7.4 454 running hot

I'm interested in hearing your outcome. Similar situation here. I think some of the reason is the temp sensor being in the head instead of the water outlet or intake manifold in the water outlet path like most other cars.

Why did you replace all the bits to begin with? Did you have this problem before the changeout? Is the radiator 'the same'? (4-core)

Ours overheats towing the horse trailer, up a grade. Going to ditch the 4-core brass and put in a plastic tanked 2 core HD unit to see if that makes a difference (I think our 4-core is not well built or engineered).

Originally Posted by jon75 View Post
If the timing is too far advanced, heat can build up in the heads and cause things to warm up.
Not questioning you, but I've read conflicting data on this. So many people ask if the timing is retarded. Getting hotter when advanced makes sense to me, retarded not but that's what most people say.
86' C30 Dually Crew Cab Ranch truck, carb'd 454, TH400, towing a slant load 4 horse trailer.
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