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Old 06-22-2013, 05:24 PM   #1
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New motor won't crank, don't know what else to do

Well, I got the fuel leak issue fixed but the new motor just won't fire off. Getting plenty of fuel so I know that's not the problem. No leaks. Thought i might have goofed up the timing somehow maybe? I took the distributor cap off and removed the number 1 spark plug and then rotated the crank pulley clockwise until it blew a piece of paper out of the number one plug hole. Reinstalled the distributor cap and spark plug wires. Still nothing. Just spins and spins but never fires off. Not sure where to go from here. Attached a picture of the starter. I don't think it is spaced properly. Bought a pack of shims and used all 3. The pinion gear in the picture actually appeared to be stuck in the flywheel as it remained there after we turned the truck off. Actually had to push it out of the flywheel with a screwdriver. Appreciate any and all opinions.
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