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Old 06-22-2013, 07:54 PM   #24
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Re: New motor won't crank, don't know what else to do

Ok. So rotate till I feel air come out, when I do the red timing mark on the balancer should be relatively close to the pointer right? So wait till I feel air, then continue to turn very slightly until timing marks line up? I know on some rotations I will feel air but the timing mark is nowhere near. I am guessing its still tdc but the opposite turn? I was really questioning myself and it was hard for me to say if it was sucking air in or pushing out.

I should note, when I felt the air come out, I put the rotor cap back on and just eyeballed it to see which post it looked like the rotor was pointing at. Do I need to adjust the distributor at all, meaning make sure I have it pointing directly at a post or slightly before?

Standing in front of the truck looking down on the distributor, I am assuming turning the distributor clockwise advances timing. Is that right or do I have it backwards?
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