Thread: Door alignment
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:19 AM   #6
Keith Seymore
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Re: Door alignment

Originally Posted by NEVERENOUGH View Post
Does anybody have any ideas. It does seem to be binding more towards the bottom of the door and fender thanks for the help.
Well...I've done about 3.5 million of these but I'm not sure I can explain it.

Set the door so that it fits in the A pillar/roof/cab back opening.

After that mess with the fender. Gap between the rear of the fender and the front of the door should be about 1/4".

The top of the fender attaches at the A pillar with one vertical bolt and one horizontal bolt inside the door.

The bottom of the fender attaches with one horizontal bolt shot outboard in the dogleg portion between the wheel opening and door.

Each of these areas can be shimmed to fit. If the shims have a small tab and are open at one end then they are probably original (not previous owner installed). Shim the up/down to match the feature line on the door; shim the in/out to clear the door as it swings.

BTW, we didn't actually fit the fenders at the bottom - we just took a bit wooden stick (like a 4x4 with padding on it) and stuck it in the opening and ERRRK bent it to fit.

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