Thread: Door alignment
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Old 06-25-2013, 12:06 PM   #7
Keith Seymore
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Re: Door alignment

Originally Posted by dieseldawg142 View Post
wow! thats impressive, almost 100 000 doors!
that would explain those splinters i picked up installing my fender flares!
I should add: we would tape those shims together in a little "packet" and run that shim pack on every truck - whether it needed it or not.

After a half a day or so the foreman at the end of the line would call and say something gracious like: "SEYMORE!! YOU A-HOLE!! ARE YOU EVEN LOOKING AT THESE TRUCKS?!? EVERY F-IN ONE OF THEM IS RUNNING HIGH!! TAKE SOME SHIMS OUT BEFORE I COME UP THERE AND MAKE YOU WISH YOU HAD NEVER HIRED ON HERE!!"

So - we'd take a shim out of our little pack and run those until we got the next phone call. That would apply for the top rear vertical bolt, top rear horizontal bolt, and the bottom bolt (both left and right side). So basically there were six ways to mess up every truck (the front of the fender is constrained by the radiator support; there is no adjustment there).

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Last edited by Keith Seymore; 06-25-2013 at 12:15 PM.
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