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Old 06-27-2013, 08:06 AM   #275
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Re: The Official John Lee Jr Thread

Updateing fuel mileage....current settings on the Weber DGEV 32/36 remain unchanged as follows:

Cold Idle: 1200rpm with first kick down to 800 rpm
Hot idle: 550 rpm
Primary Idle Jet: #60 (Large body jet)
Secondary Idle Jet: #50 (Small body jet)
Primary Main Jet: #130
Secondary Main Jet: #160
Idle mixture: 2.75 turns out from bottom
Idle speed/butterfly adjustment: 1.5 turns in from first contact with linkage
HEI timed 18 Degrees BTDC (35ish degrees all in w/no vacuum advance hook up at 3000 rpm)
Plugs gapped at a strong 45 thousands - plugs now burning brown

On this particular tank of gas, my driving was over 75% stop and go/around town. The Power upon opening the secondary up to WOT is noticeably better/faster/smoother with the larger 160 main jet in the secondary barrel (Wonderin if I'm gonna try the larger 165 main jet yet!)

In any event, with a tank down, primarily doing stop and go driving with this heavy truck and small Six, I netted 17.81 mpg! (Thats perzactly the same as my mileage of 17.83 on the last tank running almost all highway on a slightly richer set of jets!)

I am satisfied that we'll see 18+ mpg out on the highways this summer and fall!

Still no pinging, plugs are beautiful. Idle is magnificant. Transition from idle to run to WOT is effortless.

Almost done tweaking this one. Kids cars are in my shop all day Sat for oil/filters/brakes/batteries/tire rotations/coolant etc, but I think between settin up my deer stand and their cars I might find some time to finish up John Lee's fuel system and settle down for the long test....i.e. how's it hold up over time.
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