I got under the dash board tonight and realised years past and this is a good way to document how I did it.
Firewall -77........................................-85'ish wiper motor
Dark blue------------------------------------Light blue
Tan (white?)/black--------------------------Purple
Light blue------------------------------------Grey (two cables)
Now to the cables under the dash
-77 wires............................................wiper switch WITH the control box and cables!
+power run to separate
windshi. pump and back to------------------pink
Here I have also a cable run to an
little switch on the signal -------------------Signal thingy

Light blue-------------------------------------Grey
From here also the second
cable goes to the signal---------------------Signal thingy
Dark blue-------------------------------------Black/Blue
Grey from bulb
from the older wiper switch--------------------------Second Grey

And also you have to cut a little in the metal where the newer switch will go in.
With my switch on the signal I can just touch it lightly and the wipers will go ones even if the switch is not on, perfect if you get water from oncoming traffic after rain or at start up in the morning.