Originally Posted by cheyenne shortstep
Mister-B, talk to me when you've dealt with a couple more trucks/cars than just the one. The fact is the grass is way greener on the OEM side, you were able to get your grille to fit with a little adjustment. NO amount of adjusting will get that aftermarket grille to fit.
I'm speaking from experience having dealt with both OEM and aftermarket parts for many years now on many different makes and models cars/trucks. I tell my customers to buy OE whenever possible, makes my job easier.
You assume this is the only vehicle I've ever worked on? Lol. Not true. Not by a long shot.
Yes, OEM is better. I buy OEM whenever possible. Yes, OEM will fit better. Does it mean an OEM grille will just slide in like butter without any hassle? No. Your advice isn't very helpful to the OP. you're basically saying he's screwed unless he buys an OEM grille. I'm saying that while an OEM grille would fit better, they aren't without their challenges too, so just hang in there and eventually he'll get it.
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