i'm definitely sick. I have been a stupid wreck since I dropped RAT off with Painter Lee on Wed.
Really lame of me. But, I guess after rolling around under, over, and in her for four years, I gotta have some pain in letting her out of my sight.
Let alone, the drag of being unable to drive her now that (most of) the bugs have been squashed.
Lee's a great guy and excellent body/paint artist. I promised him I wouldn't bother him so he didn't have to deal with me hanging out interrupting
him all the time. And, I won't...I just have to keep telling myself, "Remember your promise, promise, promise....".
Today, I was shaking enough (

) that I figured I better get a real life. So, I practiced some scales.
I got sick of that and figured that since I'd been asked a bunch of times about RAT's stance (I appreciate the questions), I'd make a little slide show
with captions to point out what RAT is running next to the ground.
Here it is: