Time to play catch up with this build thread.
(The following happened many weeks, probably months ago. I’ll start catching up on this build thread from here)
“Little tow truck that couldn’t”
I normally don’t name my vehicles but if I did, I guess I should call this one the “Little tow truck that couldn’t.”
After talking with some people and thinking things over again, I’ve decided that I will NOT be towing anything with this truck. The laws are just too strict. I really wanted to occasionally be able to use it to drag a parts car home or rescue one of my own but it’s just not worth the risk. This truck is going to command attention driving down the road as it is but put a car on the back and fire up the revolving beacon light and I’d just be begging to get pulled over! I guess old Vic the tow truck is officially retired from hauling cars but that doesn’t mean we won’t be hitting the streets when the urge strikes.
I didn’t actually buy this to tow cars, it was more to restore it and keep a bit of our 60’s American history alive and well. The occasional towing would have been a bonus though.
Plans are to get a PA antique tag and classic car insurance. The idea is to keep the operating cost low but have full coverage to protect my investment. The antique tag in PA is a once and done payment. NO more yearly registration fee’s of $81.00 and NO more annoying state inspections at $30.00 a year.
So now that plans have changed, I see no need to install the rubber sling on the back that I busted my hump refurbishing. Guess that will get sold off since I’m sure this will be my last wrecker. I might as well put the original big metal block that it came with (for lack of better words)
On other news, things are progressing nicely on the build. I’m doing panel alignment and final bodywork on the cab portion and still rebuilding the box which feels never ending. The body work sometimes feels like it’s taking forever too but the end result is the most important thing so it will take as long as it takes to make it laser straight! You cannot rush this part.
Here are a few shots of the box side panels getting installed as well as the C channel frame and the last of the diamond plate. The come along was used to hold the box straight and square before welding it all together.