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Old 11-29-2003, 12:29 AM   #7
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Location: Redding,CA...USA
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1/8-mile ET
1/4-mile ET
1/8-mile ET
1/4-mile ET
1/8-mile ET
1/4-mile ET
1/8-mile ET
1/4-mile ET

5 7.80 6.8 10.61 8.55 13.34 10.3 16.07
5.05 7.88 6.85 10.69 8.6 13.42 10.35 16.15
5.1 7.96 6.9 10.76 8.65 13.49 10.4 16.22
5.15 8.03 6.95 10.84 8.7 13.57 10.45 16.30
5.2 8.11 7 10.92 8.75 13.65 10.5 16.38
5.25 8.19 7.05 11.00 8.8 13.73 10.55 16.46
5.3 8.27 7.1 11.08 8.85 13.81 10.6 16.54
5.35 8.35 7.15 11.15 8.9 13.88 10.65 16.61
5.4 8.42 7.2 11.23 8.95 13.96 10.7 16.69
5.45 8.50 7.25 11.31 9 14.04 10.75 16.77
5.5 8.58 7.3 11.39 9.05 14.12 10.8 16.85
5.55 8.66 7.35 11.47 9.1 14.20 10.85 16.93
5.6 8.74 7.4 11.54 9.15 14.27 10.9 17.00
5.65 8.81 7.45 11.62 9.2 14.35 10.95 17.08
5.7 8.89 7.5 11.70 9.25 14.43 11 17.16
5.75 8.97 7.55 11.78 9.3 14.51 11.05 17.24
5.8 9.05 7.6 11.86 9.35 14.59 11.1 17.32
5.85 9.13 7.65 11.93 9.4 14.66 11.15 17.39
5.9 9.20 7.7 12.01 9.45 14.74 11.2 17.47
5.95 9.28 7.75 12.09 9.5 14.82 11.25 17.55
6 9.36 7.8 12.17 9.55 14.90 11.3 17.63
6.05 9.44 7.85 12.25 9.6 14.98 11.35 17.71
6.1 9.52 7.9 12.32 9.65 15.05 11.4 17.78
6.15 9.59 7.95 12.40 9.7 15.13 11.45 17.86
6.2 9.67 8 12.48 9.75 15.21 11.5 17.94
6.25 9.75 8.05 12.56 9.8 15.29 11.55 18.02
6.3 9.83 8.1 12.64 9.85 15.37 11.6 18.10
6.35 9.91 8.15 12.71 9.9 15.44 11.65 18.17
6.4 9.98 8.2 12.79 9.95 15.52 11.7 18.25
6.45 10.06 8.25 12.87 10 15.60 11.75 18.33
6.5 10.14 8.3 12.95 10.05 15.68 11.8 18.41
6.55 10.22 8.35 13.03 10.1 15.76 11.85 18.49
6.6 10.30 8.4 13.10 10.15 15.83 11.9 18.56
6.65 10.37 8.45 13.18 10.2 15.91 11.95 18.64
6.7 10.45 8.5 13.26 10.25 15.99 12 18.72
6.75 10.53

well that didnt turn out like I
It's called "drag racing" if they called it "tic..tic..WHAM!..BANG! F*&K!!!", they'd have to keep the magazines under the counter with the other men's publications

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67 lwb..first hotrod in 25 years..540 best ET is 9.45 @ 141.44
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