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Old 07-03-2013, 03:54 PM   #42
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Re: 78 gmc heavy half stepside project

So the engine being in I have proceeded to install the starter and driveshafts. Got my new pushrods in and got the rockers adjusted. Unfortunately I found out that my passenger side shock mount is cracked. I only found it cause me and a friend where having fun with the one ton springs and I saw it moving up and down with the whole suspension. I got the front bumper mounted and the rear frame cleaned up and painted. I found four free tires in good shape to beat on too! Found a old line lock cylinoid from the 67 belvedere gtx race car My family had built. I visited the wrecking yard again and got a free alternator and bought a gauge bezel and got my gauges put together. Getting my insides of the front fenders painted along with the core support. Got a spare fuel pump mounted with home MADE gaskets. If you can't tell low budget and used parts are the key. But so far it's been fun. Fun not spending insane amounts on new and rebuilt parts. What's worked for me so far is targeting wear items. Brakes ball joints u joints wheels bearings engine and trans and a solid rear end. Keeping these all in check and making sure they are all in spec. My truck has never let me down or on the side of the road because of that the stepside will be the same way but 4xcheaper! I will show you how as well. Have a safe Independence Day everyone!

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Last edited by INSIDIOUS '86; 07-03-2013 at 04:05 PM.
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