We ended up NOT heading to Clovis (Ca) for the BBQ after all. I started with a killer "sandpaper throat". Pretty much the first time I've felt sick since I retired four plus years ago.
My woman fell down in the graage, for all the wrong reasons...It's the Fourth. I heard the Garbage Man....On the Fourth? She chased him with a can and fell over some truck parts
and the crumb-catcher pad in front of the work bench. Yikes!!!!
Then she woke me up from an Ibuoprofin (sp?) induced nap in the office to tell me that Painter Lee called and it was important....See, I'd e-mailed him with a suggested color-change.
She also told me that the sink sprung a slow leak and the new sliders underneath "may be ruined"...could'a been leaking for a while.
Aieeeee! Fourth of July BBQ? Cancelled.... for the Magwas, anyway.
Pizza from Round Table. And, I ate a piece of pie stolen from the newly baked apple pie that was our "entry fee" into the family BBQ....The kids came and picked up the rest of the pie,
the Texas Sheet Cake, and some other stuff The Woman Baked. She bakes.
And the painter? Throat or no throat, I called him back.
Lee said, "Good News - Bad News". "Bad: I already bought the paint". "Good: It's not on the truck yet."
He said, "Word of warning...People seem to want to change colors pretty often after they've already decided." "My history says to go with your initial gut shot".
"I'll change it if you say so." "But when I have in the past, folks say, maybe I should have gone with my first color." "That's when it can get expensive."
Stickin' with Palladium Silver Metallic (792). But, today, with all this other crap, I almost don't care.
Some days are like that....Yeah, they are.
The Woman's okay. Sore and bruised. But okay.