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Old 07-05-2013, 02:18 AM   #38
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Location: seattle, wa
Posts: 529
Re: I see the future

Kabwe, yes I do have issues. I hate to see good stuff messed up. I can not find a nice stock truck. Theres a guy near by that has a TF he modded, some months ago he tried to sell it. I would have paid what he was asking in a heart beat if it was stock, I delayed too long because of my work schedual, on a good looking photo wise very close to stock 57, in a close by city, that sold for exactly what the modded one was advertized for. The guy still has his modded one. Just what I've been saying, the stock one sold. Someone posted a link to a modded truck on here I'd buy it now if it was a stock resto. So would someone else. This is my problem, there are tons of modded junk and it is junk in the mind of someone that collects or wants stock, there are NONE resto stock. Show me some. The main problem is, yeah everyone does it the way they like it. But then they get tired of it and sell it. Then do it all over again. If your gona just sell it do a correct resto. I bet you couldn't do it. Not even close. It takes real talent to do a good resto. Anyone can modify something, cause no one can compair it to anything, or do the fine detail that is required. Look at graveyard cars, he has people from all over the country wanting him to restore mopars for them. They don't want them, lowered and bagged and all that crap.
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