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Old 07-05-2013, 04:23 PM   #47
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Re: I see the future

I have a positive suggestion for Dicer. Close your registration on this board and move over to the HAMB. There are some hardcore purists over there that would agree on your comments. However this board and all of its members respect the hard work and effort each enthusiast put into their dream trucks.

Youtube is just as bad with negative people and their comments. You don't own our vehicles so therefore your crusade on stock vehicles has no merit here other wise I have about 3 grand worth of porterbuilt perfection sitting in my garage totally useless in your eyes.

If you closed your mouth and opened your eyes, you would see that there are some creative geniuses on this board that have improved old school technology in both performance and safety of these machines and last but not least, there is a strong family foundation here, friends become brothers and sisters, cook out, meet and greets, and a way of life that doesn't bother you or anybody out there. So please stop getting these guys riled up with your high price expectations. Working men and women around here not fancy rich snobs who don't work on there on stuff pretending to be better than the average joe. I am smiling while I write this, no anger, just facts. P.S they made millions of these trucks. I got rare parts too but its no big deal.


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