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Old 07-05-2013, 05:19 PM   #2516
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

I finished installing all my control arm bushings and ball joints. I shined everything up with knotted wire cups, wiped it all down with lacquer thinner. Then I hung everything up and hit it with 2 coats of primer then 2 coats of black. Hope it's dry enough in the morning that I can get the front end back together.

I didn’t paint the spindles because I’m planning to do 2 inch drop spindles in the future. I just want to be able to role this thing out so I can get to work on the engine and tranny clean up and repaint.

This is only my second time painting. I'm using a Harbor Freight HVLP gun. I have to say that I have had good luck with this gun. Of course the undercarriage is a little less critical. But I have had no issues with runs or anything else. Good even coverage throughout.
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