Bought a steel trunk for the truck......
Right, went to bootfair this morning with some friends who slept over last night.
Got lots of bits n bobs.
Then right at the end, last stall, there was a steel trunk.
Asked the price..... Got it for £10.00
Been looking for a trunk to bolt into the rear of the truck to act as seat at shows, safe box for tools, jack etc and another bit of "personal decoration" to add.
Brought it home and now have to decide what route to go.
Outside is completely rusted on the surface.
Inside has been painted at some point.
It also has "The Times of India" from 4th of July 1945 stuck in the bottom, fairly messed up, but we want to protect or keep it in there.
Advice needed please How do I keep the interior with the paper stuck to it in one piece and what way is the best for the outside?
My thoughts are clear varnish inside and clear lacquer on the outside with some pinstriping later when I can afford to have it done.
Latches are all brass.