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Old 07-08-2013, 01:58 AM   #71
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Location: Port Coquitlam, BC
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Re: LT1 powered stepper

SOOOO close now! OMG - the waiting is killing me! Spent a few hours at the body shop fitting the replacement hood on the truck. The original epoxy holding the hood skin to the inner skeleton had disintegrated long ago. The replacement was a jobber hood so the fitment took a lot of massaging. By no means is it a show fit, but it'll work.

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The good news is that the urethane primer is on and the door jambs have been painted black. I've been told it should only be another week until paint is on and I can finally take her home!

On a side note - my wife and I just purchased a new house so I'll actually have a garage to store her in on the poor weather days. We move at the end of the month so timeframe (and especially money) will be super tight to get everything done.

Fingers crossed!
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