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Old 11-29-2003, 10:38 PM   #3
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Well, its not really a bull bar, its a brush guard without the peices that go out accross the grill and headlights, just the big peice in the middle. Can't remember the right word now! I have a torque converter, I think it came from a 700r4, but it will work good to turn in for a core. Not sure if there is any difference between the th350c converters and 700r4 converters. When I rebuilt my 700r4 I just had both sitting on a shelf and didn't know which was which. but i'll give you this converter with it. The tranny will also need a governer and cover and a kick down cable. I actually took the governer out of it for my 700r4, but don't like how it shifts so i'm going to order a different governor and i'll let ya have this governer with the tranny.
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