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Old 07-10-2013, 01:36 AM   #12
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Re: How exactly do I take out the gas tank?

I can't offer an opinion about cleaning a gas tank because I've never done it.

I guess I'd just be reluctant to do it because replacement tanks are relatively cheap and available, and even a cleaned tank is still somewhere between 40 and 50 years old. I guess it would depend on how much the cleaning products cost and the amount of time and labor involved.

I generally like to re-use and rebuild the original stuff. For example, I had my original radiator pressure tested, flushed, and reprinted rather than replace it. But that only cost me $40 for the testing, flush, and repair, about $6 for some paint, and very little extra time. A new radiator would be $300 and up. That was an easy decision.

But the gas tank sealer systems are somewhere between $34 (Eastwood) and $80 (Por-15) and have 3 or more steps in the process. I'm certainly not rich, but if my choices were $50-$60 and a whole day restoring a 40 year old tank or $150 for a simple swap and having a brand new tank, I'd be leaning toward a new tank. Your mileage may vary.
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