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Old 07-10-2013, 08:31 PM   #14
6.0 1955
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Location: Ashland, KY
Posts: 91
Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?

The items missing from the harness are the coil pack plugs, injector connectors, water temp sensor, alternator plug, etc.etc. If you buy an LS engine do you have a tuner local? I am fortunate to have a friend with a dyno in his barn for tuning purposes. Ask your tuner what items you need. I know usually I delete the o2's, oil pressure sensor, maf, and many other items many say you have to have. But my tuner is extremely good. As we take the factory computer and use it for carb type swaps as well instead of buying the MSD setup. Again, I would pass on the above mentioned motor as I believe you can find a better deal.
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