Thread: WA 69 LWB frame
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Old 07-10-2013, 10:01 PM   #1
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69 LWB frame

Hey guys, I am selling my LWB frame, found a great deal on a SWB frame. it's a bare frame, I'm using everything from it. I can include a manual transmission crossmember if you want it. $100 OBO, no shipping, kinda big to stick in a box! It's straight, only damage is to one of the core support brackets.
IT had the front crossmember and trans crossmember still attached when I took the pics, but I'm using it for the other frame.

SOLD 7-20-13

Attached Images
My 68 SWB
Al Silveira Music
<- My daughter loves this guy 8-)

Last edited by 69SCSS; 07-20-2013 at 06:24 PM.
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