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Old 07-14-2013, 03:33 AM   #61
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Re: 1965 Seat Belts???

You are correct that seat belts save more lives in most accidents than those that don't. I was just saying that it should be our choice whether we wear them or not and it shouldn't be up to the government or insurance to mandate what we do in our own vehicles. I myself was involved in a pretty bad accident - it was my fault. I stood a company truck on its nose smashing the frontend so bad the hood of the truck was bent over the roof. If that wasn't bad enough the truck rolled down the embankment landing on its roof. I was NOT wearing a seatbelt but when I knew I was in trouble I leaned in towards the passenger side and wedged one hand against the roof. I was still trying to cut the wheel hard left and mashed the gas trying to steer the truck down the embankment rather than roll it but it didn't help. I would have walked away without a scratch but a tool box I had in the front floorboard hit me in the back of the head before it went through the back window.
I do wear my seatbelt in my daily driver every time I get in it. I have purchased seatbelts for my 64 C-10 though I haven't put them in yet. I doubt I'll use them though. I bought them to please my wife. I never wear my seatbelts when driving my 71 Caddy Hearse at 23 feet long, 6,680 lbs empty that thing is like a freight train and the person with the largest mass will usually win with a smaller vehicle.
My beef is that the seatbelt law got pushed through to save the insurance companys money. The it saves lives slogan is just to make it sound better, though in most cases you will definitely fair better wearing a seatbelt than not just as you stated.
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