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Old 07-16-2013, 12:44 PM   #3
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Re: Engine running rough

Check your grounds aren't broken or at least clean them up. Get the auto parts store to trickle charge your battery so it's nice and fully charged. Check your vacuum hoses for cracks. All that is basically free. Fuel and air filters, oil change and plugs are cheap. I also just got a $25 vacuum gauge that can help diagnose several engine problems and it came with instructions. After that HEI and if you haven't installed the alternator yet get one that is internally regulated not externally. The local parts place switched mine out when I still couldn't get the new externally regulated one and regulator to charge. HAVE FUN!

Also check your fusible link and wiring from the battery to the connector on the passenger side fender wall and wires going to the starter and the cab. I had problems there after grounding out my alternator. Cheap fix $4 for fusible link and little more for new wires if they're burned up.
Life is too long to go slow...
71 GMC 1500 Super Custom LWB
350/350 AC(replaced w/vintage air)/PS/PB
2.5 CPP Spindle, 1" CPP Drop Spring, CPP Front and Rear Sway Bars/DJM Flip, new General Spring KC 5 spring pack, HEI /IntReg Alt
20x8.5 OldSkools 5" BS, 275/45 Falkens

Last edited by sKnNyPpY; 07-16-2013 at 12:50 PM.
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