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Old 07-16-2013, 09:47 PM   #4
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Re: Large size Wrenches for ac and Quick couplers

Fan clutch wrenches are thin because a regular wrench wont fit on most vehicles. You will need both fan clutch wrenches and regular large wrenches. I personally would get the fan clutch specific wrenches first because the need for large regular wrenches is very small in auto repair. Adjustable wrenches work perfectly fine for ac fittings. The wider jaws tend to prevent from stripping the aluminum fittings. As for the quick disconnect you will need both the universal aluminum fuel/trans disconnect tools as well as the plastic ones for a/c line. To try and buy everything needed at once to repair everything on a car is impossible. Those pliers will be almost useless in most places that the disconnects are there simply isn't enough room to get that big pair of pliers in there. I have never tried the pneumatic fan clutch wrenches and always do them by hand. Some of the fan clutches are damn tight though and Im not a little guy.
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