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Old 07-17-2013, 04:10 PM   #26
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Lightbulb Re: I need the parking brake cable/ brackets/ adjusting bracket. Where to buy?

I have just purchased a(nother) 65. This time, a fleetside C-10 2WD. I was similarly surprised to find no parking brake pieces-parts AT ALL on the vehicle. Many of the cable parts I have found at the usual sources (LMC, Brothers, etc.). The handle I located in a junkyard on the Vermont border. But one had me confounded. It's the parking brake drum lever (I've also seen it called a parking brake actuator) for the rear drums. Finally, I found it at Even though it's not listed separately on their web site, and they do stock a fairly expensive rear drum rebuild kit that shows the parts, they do sell the parts individually if you call 'em up. And miraculously, they are only $14/each. Part numbers are 0394177 and 0394178 which fit 11" drums, 15" wheels - your mileage may vary with another set-up. They said these are AC Delco and or Raybestos parts. I hope this helps someone - my head hurts after so much lookin'...

Pic attached of the elusive lever (not my pic).
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