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Old 12-01-2003, 03:04 AM   #7
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Location: lacenter, washington
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I just bought a 84 ranger used in about 1989. It was a freshly painted rebiulder that I bought ( it looked good but what was i thinking). anyway it needed tires . I pulled into les schwab told them to put 4 new tires on. I go inside while they proceded to lift the truck up on a rack. I look out and notice that when they lifted the truck up they bent the rocker panels on both sides of the truck.I proceded to go out and point it out to the employee.the manger came out and saw the damage and admitted the mistake and they paid for the damages .they really were very nice about it and gave me no hassles. Another thing with less schab when they rotate your tires dont let them thighten them with a impact. Insist on hand torque with a torque wrench. they will warp your rotors big time.
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