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Old 07-20-2013, 08:58 AM   #34
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Re: Modern Engine Swaps: Dexcool or Old School?

Originally Posted by clinebarger View Post
OAT Extended Life Coolant lasts longer, No Silicate to drop out of the coolant....So you don't have to Flush the sediment out when it comes time to change it.

IAT = Inorganic Additive Technology......Silicate (Large amounts) is the primary corrosion inhibiter & is a better faster acting additive, But VERY short lived because of the Silicate dropping out of suspension over time. Conventional Green Coolant.

OAT = Organic Acid Technology......Silicate Free, Organic Acids take place of Silicate as the primary corrosion inhibitor.
Dexcool & other OAT coolants.

HOAT = Hybrid Organic Acid Technology......Small amounts of Silicate(Hybrid) & Organic Acid to control corrosion.
Zerex G-05 Yellow coolant. There are some G-05 HOAT coolants that are orange, John Deere G-05 is green.
Thanks for spelling that out!
Now more questions, I will be looking into the G-05!!!

I wonder what Jag uses in there aluminum engines that last for 5 years and cost 75.00 a gallon !!!!
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