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Old 07-20-2013, 11:09 AM   #45
RAT1968 '68 Cab/'71 Parts
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Coarsegold, CA
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Re: Some people just don't get it

I get it. I like it. For me, I like shiny.

For anyone who likes patina, rust, dented, rotted, wrapped, or black velvet with clowns painted on it, or shiny,
I appreciate their position on "style", and their work (or lack of same....I hope everyone's ride is safe and not spewing smoke
or anti-freeze, tho).

The big deal for me is that I worry for folks who care about what other people think more than what they like themselves.
Maybe I don't *worry*. But I guess I just don't understand the mind set.

Don't get me wrong. If someone appreciates my truck, whatever it looks like. It makes me feel even better when I hear from
them than the times I want to grab a 2 x 4 and come across the forehead of some s-for-brains that starts slapping at my truck with his jaws.

Not that I care that Negative Nellie doesn't like something about my truck. I'd like to whack 'em more simply because they are a-h's.

My $.02.
Coarsegold, CA
RAT's shiny now.
But always a rat.
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