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Old 07-21-2013, 01:54 AM   #9
Hand Crafted C-10
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Re: Large size Wrenches for ac and Quick couplers

Originally Posted by johnnyclack View Post
I have Snap-On, Mac, Matco, & Craftsman tools in my roll-around(s). So when I was performing fleet maintenance (2ND job) for one of the large nursery growers of his equipment It was tuff for me, but I broke down and bought a set of short handle service wrenches from Harbor Freight (one of few times) for use on large Hydraulic fittings/couplings-same for AC. I must say I was impressed how well they fit/ held-up.

1. As for technical schools/training if my memory serves me correctly most instructors will supply students with a list of recommended tools you’ll need to start out with.
2. If you explain to most tool route sales personal that you are in tech school a lot of the big names will offer discounts for students, check/talk with your school to see who they coming through their doors.

Keep up the hard work &
Good point Johnny! When I was in tech school, we got a great discount at one of the local machinist tool suppliers...saved me a bundle.
Checking for a company ready to sponsor you're tools might also be a good idea.

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