Well, quick back story. I have a 68 c10 I bought about 10 years ago. Pulled it out of a field and it fired right up. Put it into a shop to quickly get it road ready and checked since I did not have the time or the knowhow. Got taken for a lot of money and no real work done.
Took it to another shop and they had my truck for nine months and the work they did was half-assed. So the truck just kinda sat for a year or two with the occasional drive and oil change. I know have the time and funds and am determined to acquire the know-how to do everything on my trucks, and have been claiming small victories little by little.
I've eliminated the brake drag by adjusting the brake booster push rod. Gotten my temp gauge to work, eliminated the ticking of my speedometer, replaced headlights and installed headlight relays. Among other things, like I said, small things.
Well, I've run up against something that makes no sense to me. One of the shops was supposed to get my horn working, but they said they tried and were unsuccessful. So I got to looking in the engine bay and noticed that the wire to the horn was disconnected. Hooked it up and tried it... No go. Traced the wire inside the cab and found that it was also unhooked under the dash. Hooked it up... And I heard my horn for the first time!
In my excitement, I hopped in and went off for a drive. I heard my horn numerous times on this drive... As it promptly sounded off... Every time I made a left hand turn.
Is anyone familiar with this issue?