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Old 07-23-2013, 08:59 PM   #5
66 C10 383
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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Re: Fuel Cell Mods For EFI

I bought a lot of the stuff I now have years ago when I was making better money than I'm making now. Economy and finances change. I was building an 86 Cutlass which is ancient history (aka long gone). I'll never get my money back on what I have even though most of it is new and never used. Rather than take a major loss which I can't afford especially if I have to re-buy what I already have. So, as stated at the very top, I have to make do with what I have. Sure the Rick's tanks and the Boyd's tanks are nice parts ... nicer than my wallet can handle.

I see no reason to sell a perfectly good RCI fuel cell which is now $299.97 for less than it's worth just so I can turn around and buy a $600 - $700 fuel cell just because it's fashioned a little differently. I have a friend who can do the welding to rearrange/refab my cell.

Whatever happened to the "build it" aspect of hot rodding rather than buy something and bolt it in ... I've rarely ever bought a bolt in part that didn't need something modified anyway ... so if I have to modify, why not just save hundreds of dollars and use what I already have anyways.

I do appreciate the replies, don't think I don't. That's just not an option for me. That's also the reason for me running an antique 20+ year old EFI system rather than a brand new LSx motor ... cash flow ... or lack thereof ...

vin63 - thanks so much for the ideas. After what you advised, I think I'll leave the return and vent where they are since they are both -8AN fittings and turn the cell sideways where the vent is in the rear and the return is in the front, relocate the sending unit to either the front or rear center, leave the fill just as is (for now at least) and put my pump module wherever it will fit best away from other items and remove the foam.

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