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Old 07-24-2013, 05:02 AM   #63
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Re: Some people just don't get it


This is why the 1967 -72 only have 3 doors In 1947 Internal Harvester Had that travail all in 1963 0r 65 there was a accident back east it grab major head lines in 1947 and up the travail all had 4 doors

One spring morning a family was taking there kids to school.there was a 6 year old boy!

His parents explained in the News Artical.

He wanted to act like his dad and get out on the big boy side of the truck like his dad or mom did no many times.It was a foggy morning and back in the 60's at in the east they had dirt shoulders.Well on this morning He open his door to on coming traffic was able to get out have his feet on the ground.When a Lumber truck took Him and the door and pealed him like a Onion the truck was yellow But the pic displayed a Red line doing down the Travail All.

Sales Dropped for any thing with 4 doors from 1964--or 65

GM saw that and stopped production of the Prototype 1967 4 door Carryall's yes there where a few built the rail road and the fire Department but not many

Even to day kids or some people are not responsible enough to getting out on the drivers side.that's is why GM went to the 3 door instead of the 4 door in 1967
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