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Old 07-24-2013, 05:04 AM   #4
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Re: 1985 chevy k10 hid lights?

Originally Posted by j_cifelli View Post
Whats difference in hid and hid projectors?
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There are three basic typs of HID you have the blinding good for nothing HID in h4 Chinese housing. They don't direct light in any specific pattern other than bleeeeehhgh forward- not very efficient basicly

Then there is hella e code with an hid inside instead of h4 bulbs. These direct light much better with a distinguishable cutoff. This prevents blinding oncoming traffic and with the light now being directed forward and more efficiently which means the light goes farther and sight is improved although it still yields some glare

Then there is projectors they litteraly project ligh forward with little waste. A good projector will go a good two football fields before losing usable light. But usually low beams are pointed down. Most all mid and higher end cars have these now. A good cutoff so not to blind anyone and very little glare

If you have anymore questions let us know.
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