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Old 07-25-2013, 03:39 AM   #7
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Re: 1985 chevy k10 hid lights?

As far as a kit goes you pretty much have to piece them together

Ddm tuning has good hid kits that I've used many times and always liked. ESP the pricing

You will have to build the projectors if you want them. There's several threads on the inter webs for this. If you have money you can't go wrong with they have really nice quality projectors that will put mine to shame.

You can do hella e codes and I wouldn't suggest brighter than the 35w box and about 6000k temp lights as far as hids go. My friend has some in his square with sylvania h4 bulbs and relays and they do a very good job, by today's standards they do really good

You can do hi/low if you have quad lights or regular h4 silva inks for brights. Benefit of regular halogen bulbs is you don't have to wait for full light. Hids take about 10-15 seconds before they are at Max output.

You know how the kelvin ratings for HIDs go?
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