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Old 12-01-2003, 08:49 PM   #7
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I agree this could be large OSHA issue. They often investigate accidents like this often considered "near misses". It may not change charges but utility company should be careful on laying blame, if they own the facility (which I bet they do) The utility company also might have an easement for the transformer if it serves other that the owner of the property which it was located. Utility policy most likely states keeping transformer area "clear from debris".

As for the comment about offering the utility less $$ than their estimate for power extension that wouldn't fly around here. Cost of services is born by the customer. Why should other rate payers subsidise those that can afford to live far off the road which is often a luxury. Those of us in town pay less for power extension because length of faclities used to serve us is shorter per customer hookup. Many more agencies are waking up to the common sense rules that we are charged for time required to process something or to serve and avoiding all of us subsidising the rare case.

A little attorney advise can almost always help.
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