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Old 07-25-2013, 03:40 PM   #13
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Re: Frame Reinforcement

Originally Posted by byates2 View Post
I had to cut some of the frame to fit the headers i chose to put on the engine. I also had to cut a hole in the crossmember to fit em. I'm wondering how i can reinforce the frame without having to weld. I want to get some strips of heavy duty stainless and bolt them with grade 8 bolts. I want to get strips and bolt them above and below the hole in the crossmember and one on the frame where to deepest cut is..... any other ideas. i want to stay away from welding because i dont have the means or a way to do it. I'm hoping its possible to do without having to weld
Most of the responses have been pretty nice but there is an underlying theme in that the cutting more than likely wasn't necessary. I've worked with metal almost my entire life and I can't tell what sort of tool you used to cut the frame.

Your idea of bolting on strips of stainless has no engineering merit at all. You will wind up with a perforated frame you can throw away.
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