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Old 07-26-2013, 01:12 AM   #1
60-66 Nut

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Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
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1960 And 1961 Owners Please Help

As some of you may know, I volunteered to help member twouvakind determine the changes necessary to make his windshield wiper delay work with the '60-'66 trucks. I have sorted through the wiring and wiper switches for the '62-'66 years, but I need help in confirming the wiring on the '60 and '61 trucks. I have a cab with wiring, that I believe is a '61 (VIN tag is gone) and a corresponding wiper switch. This seems to be about the only change to the wiper wiring. I am having trouble finding a '60 and '61 locally to confirm my suspicion that the '60 and '61 both have the same wiper wiring. So I was hoping some of you guys with '60's and '61's could take a peek at your wiper switch wiring and let me know if yours looks the same or similar to the pics below.


And here are a couple pics of the wiper switch. This one happens to be a 2 speed with the washer.


I also learned something in doing all this research on the wiper motors and switches. I used to think that '63 was the first year for the 2 speed and washer option. That is not so, they were available in at least '61 and '62. I have not confirmed if it was available in '60. So if one of you has a '60 with the 2 speed wipers and washer, please post up.
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Power Brake Booster Adapter Brackets For Sale '63-'66 HERE and '67-'72 HERE and '60-'62 HERE and "60-'62 with clutch HERE
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