Thread: Insurance?
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Old 07-28-2013, 02:17 AM   #8
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Re: Insurance?

Originally Posted by KJSR View Post
I have State Farm.....90$ a year.

Its amazing how much insurance companies discriminate against people for where they live. I figured I'd see what it would cost me when I'm ready. I checked grundy and haggerty.

My first go around.. I went in and said that I wanted a 25K value, 6k miles per year. secure yard (gated) but carport. For my actual location in S. CA. Grundy wanted $1800 per year and Haggerty wanted $1680.

I tried a second time, increased value to 50k and unlimited mileage, park in driveway, but checked for NW Washingon (somewhere I would like to move to). and the costs were $600 and $450.

Now tell me that that is fair. Just because I live in S. CA they want to gouge me. I've never had an accident, never had an insurance claim, and my last ticket was more than 20 years ago. So they charge me triple for half the coverage?!?!
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