god parents are frustrating sometimes
a little overview of the situtation.around 6-8 months ago my dad offered me back my 78 1/2 ton with no engine or transmission back when he bought a 73 3/4 ton to build-we were supposed to use that for parts but he decided to build it up.i told my dad i wasnt interested in building up the 78 back then because my life had kinda started spiraling out of control-well my personal life anyway not my life as a whole so i told my dad i wasnt interested then basically because my heart wasnt in it at the time and i wasnt really ready to start a project i knew my heart wasnt in it.he nagged me every now and then but he more or less respected how i felt.well lately ive giving some thought of building the truck up since my truck now has a good driveline but bad body.well i tell my dad about this earlier tonite since i talked to my uncle about this last night and he said he thought it was a good idea and i should go for it.well my dad laughed and he said that since i owe him money i would have to pay him the 350 dollars i owe him which i dont have at the moment.WTF is up with that 8 months ago he wanted me to take the now i have to pay him for something i legally own.god this day hasnt been good at all and on top of it all i dont feel good to boot.what do you all think.i told my dad if i have to pay him then he can keep the damn truck its not worth the hassle and why didnt he tell me this 8 months ago.i really dont understand people sometimes.
I'd rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford
The Beast-1978 C10 LWB
Red-1978 C10 LWB
(Uncle Mike)Michael Henry Millett 11/5/1957 to 03/08/2012
Gone but will never be forgotten-RIP
(Uncle Chuck)Charles Manning Gulbronsen Sr 1956-2012
Taken from us to soon but you will live on in our hearts-RIP