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Old 07-29-2013, 01:45 AM   #9
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Re: Missed a deal....kickin myself. Am I the alone?

Been there a few times. A little different situation, but when I lived in Utah I worked at a parts store. These two kids came in that I knew, driving a black and red 1987 Monte Carlo SS Aero Coupe (not something I would seek out but a cool car nonetheless). That said they knocked on someone's door and asked to buy it. They thought the motor was junk and I guess didn't care/ know what it was, so they told the guys they could haul it off for $100! They put a battery in and it ran great! I asked where they found it, and they said it was on the street I lived, just a few houses down! Wished I had caught that one, but I'm glad I didn't have to cram one more car I didn't need into the driveway lol
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