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Old 12-02-2003, 02:37 AM   #1
My other Love
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Castlegar B.C. Canada
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Look what our friend just emailed me

as you know this will lbe handled by e bay and negative feedback will be left and all fees acured buy seller will reinbursed by you according to e bay rules this is not the board this is e bay so bidding and not paying will result in loss of your privilages to bid your bid is your contract so tell the board members that .also i will persue this just to make a point ,dont bid if you cant buy and thats funny i still sell to everyone on the board remember you put up a credit card or gave your permission to remove funds from your bank accont when you signed up for e bay amd i will get my fees rembursed have a very nice day

Castlegar B.C.The great white North (Canada Eh!)
First generation Monte Carlo club
pictures of my life
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