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Old 07-29-2013, 11:36 PM   #42
18 Till I Die
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Re: Modern Engine Swaps: Dexcool or Old School?

I have a 2011 Acadia. I got a GM letter in the mail saying that they will top up my antifreeze free of charge due to a low coolant level problem. Basically if the coolant gets low and air is entered into the coolant system it will create a greasy sludge that is very next to impossible to remove. I was lucky to catch it in time on a 2000 Sonoma that my son drives. I had a 2002 Grand Prix that the intake gaskets failed due to the coolant eating them. I have had the green stuff in my 1987 Iroc and 69GMC and flushed it every couple years with no issues. I will be flushing my 2007 Duramax soon and the Acadia when its off Warranty. Dexcool in my opinion is a long life antifreeze that creates more problems than the less service it was intended for.
2011 GMC Acadia
1969 GMC BBC LS7
2007 GMC Crew Duramax
1987 Camaro Iroc 350 Tuned Port Injection

1987 Chevrolet Silverado 350 TBI
1987 Chevrolet Silverado 350 TBI(yes 2)

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