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Old 07-29-2013, 11:51 PM   #1
1970 Daily Driver
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Brake question on 72 4x4

Redoing the brakes on a 72 Cheyenne short box. Master cylinder is completely gone could not get any pressure at the bleed valves when trying to bleed the lines. The fluid that I did get through before all pressure was lost was full of rust grit and settlement. I went ahead and ordered new booster, master cylinder, and wheel cylinders from NAPA. Only problem is the master cylinder doesn't look anything like the one that's on the truck or I remember seeing on any 72 Chevy that I've come across before. What do you guys think?

Well I can't get my photos to upload from my phone. I will have to upload them when I get home to my computer.

The part number is P2062

Here is a link to the picture on NAPA website

The one on the truck has equal size reservoirs front and back this one has a smaller compartment for the back fluid. It is quite a bit thinner as well.
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